Energy and climate
For the protection of the habitats of people, animals and plants
The regional association focuses specifically on the use of recycling papers in the field of printing products, office as well as in hygienic paper, in most cases confirmed to the strict standards of the Blue Angel environmental label. Printing products are printed climate-neutrally. The unavoidable greenhouse gases will be therefore compensated elsewhere. The complete changeover will be established in the youth hostels until mid-2018. In the head office the changeover will be established in 2017.

Green power
All youth hostels in Baden-Wuertemberg are supplied exclusively by green power. With effect from 1 January 2017, the last contracts were converted to eco- and climate-friendly solutions like hydropower, wind or solar power. With this we avoid per year 2.200 tons of CO² and 2,2, kg radioactive waste compared with the average German fuel mix
Energy efficiency
More and more youth hostels use innovative thermal energy systems like wood-burning heating systems, block-type thermal power stations or solar-thermal systems. Particular challenges in the field energy efficiency are the existing buildings. In case of new buildings, higher energy standards apply and are more easily implemented.
Starting in 2017, the following measures are intended to be implemented until the end of the business year 2019
- Replacement of illuminates with energy efficiency class A and above
- Use of water-saving fittings on wash basins and showers
- The carrying out of a hydraulic balance and the replacement of the 3 stage existing pump in the heating circuits with electronically controlled high-efficiency pumps
Carbon Footprint and climate-neutral overnight stay
By mid 2018 all youth hostels will balance their climate impact with a carbon footprint via the Swiss Myclimate Foundation
Starting in January 2018, our guests have the possibility to compensate the unavoidable C0² emissions of their overnight stay with a gold-standard, externally certified climate-protection project. The program selected by the regional association of Baden-Wuerttemberg reduces CO2 emissions, improves human health and reduces the pressure on the local forests in Bolivia and Paraguay. In six different regions in Bolivia and Paraguay the inefficient traditional wood-fired ovens will be replaced by solar cookers or cookers with high efficiency. Further information about the project and its contribution to a sustainable development can be taken from
The carbon footprint and the possibility of a climate neutral overnight stay is part of the sustainable strategy of the Regional Association of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The first stage has been aiming to reduce consumption and help to step up efficiency. During the second step, we will replace step by step the goods and products on offer by more socio-ecological and therefore climate neutral alternatives. This applies for green power, organic food and recycling paper. The compensation will be a sensible addition to our efforts in the third and final step. In the context of worldwide climate protection, it will not be possible without compensation until further notice. Therefore we give our guests the possibility to make a contribution.
The carbon footprint of the youth hostel is different. Therefore we are currently working with a national average figure within the scope of climate neutral overnight stay. The compensations have retroactive effects and will be expelled transparently in a CO² counter on a quarterly basis.
DJH train ticket
The railway is together with the long-distance coaches the most climate-friendly transport mode. In order to guarantee you a problem-free and eco-friendly travel start, we offer you cheap combi-tickets for a fixed price. Individual travellers, groups and families benefit from this as well as the environment.
Climate-neutral business travels
Beginning with the business year 2018 all business travels of the head office of the previous year will be climate-neutral. This relates to all PKW-trips as well as unavoidable air travel.
Climate-neutral post and package dispatch
The mail of the head office is dispatched climate-neutral via the Deutsche Post DHL Group and the BWPOST. Only with the dispatch of our mail via DHL we have avoided 441,63 kg CO² in 2016.
Green IT
The entire information technology of the Regional Association of Baden-Wuerttemberg is processed energy efficient via the data centre. The data centre is provided with 100% renewable energy and wind gas from Greenpeace Energy.
External loundries
Almost all youth hostels wash their laundry energy efficient and eco-friendly in laundries in Baden-Wuerttemberg, who make use of an acknowledged and externally audited energy environmental management system. (Ring Textilservice GmbH; Indlekofer GmbH & Co. Wäscherei KG)
External print offices
We order print jobs on 100% recycled paper, bearing the Blue Angel environmental label, printed climate neutrally for example by the Kohlhammer Druckerei GmbH + Co. KG in Stuttgart. The company works energy and resource-friendly and controls the process through approved and externally audited energy and environmental management systems.