DJH: One for all and strong together
The organisation: One for all
The German Youth Hostel Association – Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk in German, or DJH for short - is a one-of-a-kind organisation. Its fundamental concept of being a place for the peaceful encounter of young people from all over the world is as up to date as ever.
The Federal Association: Primary responsible
The Federal Association has its office in Detmold. Its fields of responsibility include, among others, public relations and marketing, and it also acts as a representative of the Association at the national and international level.
The Regional Associations: Stronger together
The 14 Regional Associations take care of the construction and operation of and staff in Youth Hostels and put together the programmes offered by the Hostels.
Committed to the common good
The German Youth Hostel Association is the only supraregional non-profit provider of accommodation that is open to all children, adolescents, young adults, families and educationalists for congresses or stays. Youth Hostels are oriented towards providing children and youngsters with valuable experiences and fulfilling educational tasks.
With their primarily educational approach, the German Youth Hostel Association's regional organisations act as competent and reliable partners for schools, teachers and parents.
The Regional Associations are independent non-profit associations and fulfil all the tasks of the German Youth Hostel Association within their own area, unless tasks have been expressly assigned to the Federal Association in the statutes. These include, among others, the construction of new Youth Hostels or putting together activity programmes.
There are 14 DJH Regional Associations all together: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin-Brandenburg, Hanover, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Nordmark, Rhineland, Saxony, Thuringia, to name just a few.
Unique, sustainable, structured

A unique association
The German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) is a one-of-a-kind organisation. Its fundamental concept of being a place for the peaceful encounter of young people from all over the world is as up to date as ever.
A sustainable association
The German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) supports Agenda 21. The Agenda's goal is to ensure the sustainability of our livelihoods and chances for development for current and future generations.
A structured association
The German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) consists of the organisation at the Federal level, the associations at regional level, local and district associations, the individual Youth Hostels and its 2 million members.