Arriving by public transport
Freiburg is located at the railway track from Karlsruhe to Basel (ICE trains) and the railway track from Ulm to Freiburg.
Take the number 1 tram from the main station towards Littenweiler; get off at the Römerhof stop and then walk for about 10 minutes. (Follow the signs)
Rail service for DJH members
The Community Travel GmbH offers DJH members discounted RIT tickets for a return journey within Germany - this applies only in conjunction with stays in a hostel. School classes and groups can make use of this offer. You must carry confirmation of your booking with you when travelling.
Our partner can handle your enquiry via the booking hotline +49 4845 79 18 464 or Payment must be made by direct debit. Tickets will be sent by post or online by e-mail. In the event of a cancellation, the ticket may be returned free of charge to the agency up to the first day of travel.
Arriving by car/bus
Take the A5, Freiburg Mitte exit, then drive towards Titisee-Neustadt on the B31. Before the entrance of the tunnel, follow the signs "Freiburg Ebnet" or "Fußballstadion" to the left. Access via Schwarzwaldstraße and the Sandfangweg road.
B31 from the Black Forest:
Before the entrance to the tunnel, follow the signs on the right to "Freiburg Ebnet" or "Fußballstadion". Access via Kapplerstraße and Heinrich-Heine-Strasse.
Low emission zone Freiburg
From January 1st in 2013, a (green) EURO 4 Sticker is needed to get access to all existing low emission zones in Baden-Wuerttemberg. To avoid problems, please get your sticker before travelling to our Youth Hostel.
On-site parking at the hostel
The hostel has 25 free parking spaces for cars and 3 free parking spaces for buses