Teens, 11 - 15 Jahre
„My name is Bonn, James Bonn“, that’s how your espionage language holiday will launch. After a warm welcome, the secret service training in the former capital of spy business will be the perfect opportunity to improve your English without sitting in a classroom.
You will have fun learning all kinds of useful crafts, such as: coding or decoding ciphers, picking locks, tiptoeing, orientation, observation and solving a murder mystery. You will be using the English language during an everyday routine as well as using secret service-buzzwords. Archery and scouting games are mixed with a variety of team workshops such as Hunting person X, Capture the flag, Werewolf or the challenging scavenger hunt. Stratego- and Chaos games will fill up your English spy schedule followed by setting camp, night strolling and a movie night. By the end of this week, you will use the English language more easily while having a good time with new friends. Diese englischsprachige Agent*innen-Ferienwoche macht mit zahlreichen Rätseln, Spielen und Ausflügen in die Spionagevergangenheit der ehemaligen Bundeshauptstadt Bonn vor allem Spaß. Sie ist auf keinen Fall ein herkömmlicher Sprachkurs!
Eure Fragen zu diesem Programm beantwortet gerne unser Service-Center-Team:
Tel.: +49 211 30 26 30 26
E-Mail: service@djh-rheinland.de