the state with a highest density of UNESCO World Heritage sites


1.073 cultural and natural sites from 167 states are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

  • 42 German sites have been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List

  • even 5 sites enthuse visitors in the heart of Germany: in Saxony-Anhalt

Saxony-Anhalt is a treasure room of German cultural history. Brevity is the soul of wit: You will find an above-average number of World Heritage Sites very close to each other.


UNESCO World Heritage sites in Saxony-Anhalt

Oldtown Quedlinburg
Youth Hostel Quedlinburg »

Luther Memorial Sites in
Wittenberg:Youth Hostel Wittenberg »
Eisleben: Youth Hostel Gorenzen »

Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve
Youth Hostel Dessau »

Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz
Youth Hostel Dessau »

Bauhaus and its sites in Dessau
Youth Hostel Dessau »

Nebra Sky Disk (UNESCO Memory of the World Register )
Youth Hostel Nebra » (»Arche Nebra«, multimedlia Sky Disc Visitor Center near Nebra, at the place where the disk was found)
Youth Hostel Halle » (permanent exhibition in the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle)


Already submitted for acceptance on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Peter and Paul Cathedral Naumburg
Youth Hostel Naumburg »
Youth Hostel Nebra »