Kids, 9 - 13 Jahre
Discover the nature network through the eyes of an owl, a dog’s nose, rabbit’s ears and a monkey’s touch. Copy natural concepts and test them, look for animal tracks to duplicate and reproduce them. Blend perfumy herb potpourris and solve the herb mystery. Detect the secrets of your favorite animal friend. Walk in the wildlife and on the milk(y) way. Build a tiny toy float and post your first message in a bottle. Be creative in the Nature-Art-Outdoor-Studio. Set up and arrange your own cozy outdoor shelter. Prepare your favorite open air snack at the campfire. Watch movies at the green screen theatre. Save, map and write down all your experiences and discoveries in your personal nature diary to take them home. Eine englisch-deutsche Ferienwoche für neugierige Naturforscher*innen, die gerne draußen unterwegs sind. Hier geht es immer um Englisch sprechen mit Spaß. Achtung: garantiert kein klassischer Sprachkurs!
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