- Ravensburger Spieleland theme park
- Ravensburger Games Museum
- Lake Constance with Mainau Island
132 beds in 32 rooms
Room | Floor space |
Max. number of participants
Floor | Rent per day off | ||||
Veit 1 | 36 sqm | 35 | 16 | - | - | - | GF | upon request |
Veit 2 | 41 sqm | 41 | 24 | - | - | - | GF | upon request |
Veit 1 + Veit 2 (kombiniert) | 77 sqm | 75 | 54 | - | - | - | GF | upon request |
Staufer 1 | 39 sqm | 35 | 24 | - | - | - | GF | upon request |
Staufer 2 | 36 sqm | 37 | - | - | - | - | GF | upon request |
Staufer 1 + Staufer 2 (kombiniert) | 71 sqm | 70 | - | - | - | - | GF | upon request |
Welfen | 29 sqm | 24 | 12 | - | - | - | GF | upon request |
DVD player, flip chart, internet access (WiFi), magnetic board, presentation case, projector, screen, TV set, whiteboard
Room | Floor space | Height |
Max. number of participants
Floor | Daylight | Rent per day off | |
Veit 1 | 36 sqm | 2.6 m | 35 | 24 | GF | yes | upon request |
Veit 2 | 41 sqm | 2.6 m | 40 | 30 | GF | yes | upon request |
Veit 1 + Veit 2 (kombiniert) | 77 sqm | 2.6 m | 85 | 60 | GF | yes | upon request |
Staufer 1 | 39 sqm | 2.7 m | 35 | - | GF | yes | upon request |
Staufer 2 | 36 sqm | 2.7 m | 30 | - | GF | yes | upon request |
Staufer 1 + Staufer 2 (kombiniert) | 71 sqm | 2.7 m | 70 | - | GF | yes | upon request |
digital piano
The house is open 12.00 a.m. - 11.59 p.m.
The reception is open 7.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. , 5.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.
Check-in 5.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.
Reception times in winter: From November 10th until March 17th from 7.00 a.m. till 11.00 a.m and 5.00 p.m. till 8.00 p.m. Admission of preregistered groups possible
Hostel is open all year round except Christmas.
Arrival by train
From the main train station you can reach the youth hostel on foot within 25 minutes via Eisenbahnstraße - Marienplatz - Marktstraße - Obertor - stairway or the new barrier-free switchback to the Veitsburg.
With the bicycle turn from the "Obertor" into the Veitsburgstraße.
A taxi from the main train station will cost you approx. 7 Euro.
A baggage transport for groups is possible against payment. Please contact Mr. Begero, Phone +49171 2277884
Rail service for DJH members
The Community Travel GmbH offers DJH members discounted RIT tickets for a return journey within Germany - this applies only in conjunction with stays in a hostel. School classes and groups can make use of this offer. You must carry confirmation of your booking with you when travelling.
Our partner can handle your enquiry via the booking hotline +49 4845 79 18 464 or www.anreise-jugendherberge.de. Payment must be made by direct debit. Tickets will be sent by post or online by e-mail. In the event of a cancellation, the ticket may be returned free of charge to the agency up to the first day of travel.
Youth Hostel Ravensburg
Jugendherberge Veitsburg Ravensburg
Veitsburgstr. 1 · 88212 Ravensburg
Management: Marion Laupheimer and Robert Steinseufzer
Agency: LVB Baden-Württemberg