The hotline to the summit
At Youth Hostel Berchtesgaden, you aim high - up to the peaks of the Berchtesgaden Alps. Hiking, cycling, and rafting are all the rage here throughout the summer - until the first snowfall. Then the snow-covered mountains beckon.
A white temptation comes from the depths of the mountains: slide down the slides in the Berchtesgaden Salt Mine to the white gold of the region. Salt crystals sparkle and shimmer. During the day, embark on a journey to the underground white treasure. Go on a treasure hunt with your family or group and turn your class into an exciting experience.
We have developed mountain programs for you that will make your hearts race. Not only because of the mountain romance but mainly because of their diversity and balance. Reading the trail to the fun factor together - that's what matters at Youth Hostel Berchtesgaden. So you can have an amazing stay.
We use images from the Berchtesgaden National Park Administration and the Berchtesgadener Land Chiemgau eG dairy.
' expand-label="More" collapse-label="Less">Highlights
- 7 gallery rooms with balconies
- Outdoor and environmental programs
- Very large outdoor area